Thoroughly Awesome Thursday Roll Call!!

on 3/7/12 8:50 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - everyone sleeping in this lovely morning? Get up and out and enjoy the day if possible! It's going to be 70 today - WOW!!

I'm at work having my coffee and breakfast getting ready to start my day. All the items I thought I had put on Craig's List never made because the confirmation e-mail went into my spam box and I never saw it, so I started putting things back on last night and am getting a lot of good responses to it - and one weird one, but we won't go there. Last night I packed another box of stuff and sorted through my pictures to see what I'm taking and what is being given to family or Goodwill. I just have way too much stuff.

Well hope everyone has a great day!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 3/7/12 9:06 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Well it seems SOMEONE is nice and perky this Thursday morning.  I wish I could say that I was....sigh!  I am sitting in my classroom, dreading the day.  What else is new right?!?!  Three more months - I can do it....maybe....oy!

Anyway - good morning everyone!  Hope all is well with you!  My day is school, then I have to try to see if I can get myself squeezed to see the OB-GYN for some issues I am having this week.  If all works out, I am going to try to get out of here early so I can get my run in this afternoon.  I have a friend and his son coming over for dinner tonight.  This is the friend whose son was my student last year and and they lost their mom/wife back in September.  I was metioning Five Guys on facebook one night and he jumped all over THAT they are coming over tonight.  And, it is the dad's birthday tomorrow - so, needless to say, he is struggling.  I had the girls last night learn Happy Birthday on the trumpet and the flute to play to him tonight and I will get him a cake.  I hope it is not too sad for him.  I know tomorrow will be a challenge, but his sons and his daughter-in-law have things planned for him tomorrow night.  Breaks my heart.

Anyway - I am just waiting for two little boys to come here to meet me for some tutoring.

Happy Thursday all!
on 3/7/12 9:11 pm - Boothwyn, PA
I'm counting down the weeks now Steffi - after this week only SIX MORE WEEKS OF THIS STINKING COMMUTE!! LOL!! Then we'll be heading south to sunny Daytona Beach and a much quieter pace of life. I'll get a job doing something down there - hubby will retire - but I'm definitely NOT going to have a 35 mile, minimum ONE HOUR LONG miserable commute twice a day! So yeah, that's making me a bit perkier than usual this morning. 

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 3/7/12 9:54 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Throw some dates my way?  I am out of town on March 29 thru the 2nd of April, otherwise let's meet up before you head south. . . 

Have a great day, but it sounds like you are already ;)

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Lisa H.
on 3/8/12 12:01 am - Whitehall, PA
 Howdy all... been so busy at work during the day lately.  There are so many "fires" to put out I should be wearing a yellow jacket and carrying a hose around.  It's been quite stressful.  Sometimes I think going to Dress Barn at night is stress relief!  Things with Siehara are not much different.  She is still disobeying my rule about staying out of my room when I am not home.  She was in my room watching TV last night.  I figured it out because the remote was not in the same place AND I found a crust from bread that she left near my bed.. so not only is she hanging in my room, but she's eating in my bed... UH NOOOOOOOOOO.  Maintenance was just here to take measurements on my door.  I am going to give them the new knob with the lock so they can put it in when they install the bedroom door.  If she breaks into it again, I really don't know what I'm going to do.  

Anyway.. working both jobs today, so no time for anything else.  

Hope everyone enjoys the beautiful weather outside.  I'm have my blinds up and the window open.  Best I can do.

My tracker


on 3/8/12 12:13 am
GM Kathy and PA!

I SOOO wi**** was Friday already?!?!? This weekend is not going to slow down either, but it is filled with ALOT of fun stuff! So that is good!!

Today is wor****il 3:30 unless we have a meeting or professional development....then it will be 3:45. After work I need to get bloodwork done, then home to make dinner, do homework, relax, bath and bed...Somewhere along the way I need to get 2 birthday presents before the weekend, OY!

Have a great day!!
Lovin this weather...
Love, Beth">">>

Patricia R.
on 3/8/12 1:56 am - Perry, MI
 Hi Kathy and PA,
I had a late start to my day today.  I overslept this morning and had to run straight to my ENT doc.  I have another sinus infection.  Trees are pollinating, plus, he thinks my broken nose might be contributing to my sinus issues now.  

I plan to take Utley for a walk in about an hour.  Then, I have Bible study at church tonight.

I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

(deactivated member)
on 3/8/12 12:33 pm
 Was a good Thursday until the rain****  Feet, back, shoulders, neck.... all decided to let me know at the same time that they were there.  My husband and I are going throught the Bariatric Program as Geisinger in Danville together.  he has lost 6 lbs since his first appt and I lost 4 lbs.  They said we are doing good and like that we are doing this together.  We have the support from our kids.  Pretty much the 4 girls.   The son, well, he's in his own world.  He thinks I'm perfect just the way I am.   

Our nutrition appts were today..  what  they discussed, we were already doing before hand.  Now to get him to do Smurf Dance Party with me and the 8 yr old ganddaughter.  I just love the Gargamel song.  We also met with Dr. Stihl.  he is pretty awesome guy.  

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